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Caramel Apple Cupcakes & Carol King

So you’re in a bad mood? It happens. We all have those days. I myself had one today, and found myself wondering how to change that without depending on anyone else to do it for me. The answer, spend an evening in the kitchen. There was a time that I loved baking so much I did it as a side job to make money. However, as time went on and life got in the way, I let my hobby go.

Today felt like the day to rekindle my love of a house smelling like vanilla and spice, so I went to work on baking caramel apple cupcakes. They're so

simple to make.


-First you dice up an apple and lay it on a paper towel (lightly salted) for about 15 minutes to get rid of the excess water.

-If you don't feel like making a cake from scratch (and I didn't) follow the recipe for a box of yellow cake mix, add in 1 teaspoon of apple pie spice and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix together.

-Once the cake mix is added, toss in the the dried apples and mix again.

-Spoon into cupcake liners and bake on 350 for about 18 minutes.

-After the cupcake has cooled melt caramels in a bowl with splash of water.

-Dip your cupcake upside down in the melted caramel and twirl over the bowl until excess caramel has dripped off.

-Sprinkle chopped up peanuts on the top of the caramel cupcake.


Simple, but messy. Conisder yourself warned. Also, delicous and worth the mess, and in my opinion even better the next day!


I also tried my hand again at making fried green tomatoes. Mine are always ok, but never as good as my sisters. It's times like these I really miss living close by to her.


The night was accompanied with tunes from my new Crosley Record Player that arrived in the mail today. My antique record player was destroyed when all my stuff in storage last year was flooded. Some of my records survived but I had no way of hearing them. This new record player is downright adorable. It doesn't play very loud, but loud enough for me to sing along to some Carol King in my kitchen this evening, and quiet frankly that was just enough to turn this day around.

The point Reader, of this very wordy blog is that sometimes bad days happen and the best thing to do is to think of something to take your mind off of it. It's great when there's family or friends there to help, but sometimes you have to figure out how to do it on your own. Don't sulk, go do something productive and dance to the music!

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